samedi 30 mars 2024

jeudi 4 juin 2020

Session 5 Classwork

What actions would you do to create demand for your hotel, once people start thinking to travel .... before search + booking phases?

Before search,

Multiply partnership with locals and companies of my neighborhood, even with my competitors, in order to build a win-win environment, that is profitable to all;

Train my staff on new technologies, and implicate them in the development and improvement of the Tools; ask them their feedbacks and their opinions, theirs advises and their worries...

Hire a Professional concierge or train the current one on the new technologies; betting on his skills to be able to give an overview of the last services, events, restaurant openings...

Compile indicators that are relevant on anticipating Customer trends, (Google trends…) that will help me to take decisive positions on my revenue management;

Booking phases,

Diversify my offer with development of innovative packages in order to make the difference with my competitors.

Implement my official website with newest technology whilst remaining fidele to my Identity; chatbots, social networks, in order to give more visibility for me.

Remain sincere and transparent with the use of technologic Tools.

mardi 2 juin 2020

RCS for CMH PARIS HOTEL - Choice 2

Rich Communication Service by Jean-Baptiste

Enlarge screen for better reading

vendredi 29 mai 2020

Privacy + Security Issues in personalization

For the Customer:

Information about safe transactions
Afficher l'image d'origineSecure payment Arc 1950

. Policy link regarding collecting personal data on the website:

. General statement of private policy on each communication by email

. Private policy added next to the chatbot logo of the website

For the team members:

. Train your staff about your private Policy, the collect of the data, the usage that we do of it and the limits of this  usage.

. Newsletter
. Information goal is to implement their stay

Artificial Intelligence in hospitality

The engagement of hotels through AI Tools in their business is continuously increasing. It aim is to create relational environment with the guest, not only in the whole process of his experience, but beyond.
AI goal is to personalize the Customer experience with the hotel operator imitating human communication, using the data of the Customer that will identify his needs, habits, and behaviours. The common Tools for hotels is the use of chatbots that will start a communication with the visitor of the website, asking questions and using key words for the better knowledge of the guest.
The objective is to propose the most adapted service to the Customer, from his first visit on website, his booking process, travel information, conciergerie service…

Marriott International chatbot

Edwardian hotels chatbot